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Update on the Anishinabek Education System (AES)

Update on the Anishinabek Education System (AES)

Posted on Feb 22, 2017

It is a very exciting time in First Nation education!  

Many collaborative projects and initiatives are underway, all with the goal of supporting our students in achieving their dreams for the future. One of these ground-breaking developments is the implementation of the Anishinabek Education System.

Over 20 years of negotiations and ongoing consultation on a proposed agreement with Canada to restore Anishinabek control of education led to the successful conclusion of the negotiations, and, ratification of the agreement by First Nations choosing to participate in the new system.

22 First Nations, including four OTC member First Nations, are moving ahead in implementing  the Anishinabek Education System (AES).  

As has been noted in previous updates, two key features of the AES are:  First Nations control – the ability of Participating First Nations to make education laws over education from junior kindergarten through to Grade 12; and, the provision of stable, predictable funding from the federal government.  

The AES structure includes a central education body, the Kinoomaadziwin Education Body (KEB), and Regional Education Councils. In addition to having the authority to make their own Education laws, Participating First Nations will have the authority to appoint the members to the KEB board, and to set up local councils to coordinate services, and provide expertise and advice.

At the January 24-25, 2017 gathering of the Participating First Nations, decisions were made by the members present to reorganize the proposed Regional Education Councils structure within the AES from five regions to four, and, that there would be three KEB board members elected from each of the four regions. Elections were held to fill the twelve Board positions.

We are very pleased to share that three of the newly-elected KEB Board members are  representatives from three of our OTC member First Nations. Congratulations to Evelyn Ball, Chippewas of Rama First Nation, Lauri Hoeg, Chippewas of Georgina Island First Nation, and, Nichole King, Moose Deer Point First Nation!

The KEB Board and the Participating First Nations will be meeting with their local school board partners at a gathering this week in Toronto.

Click on the link below for additional information about the AES:

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