Maamawi, minonakiiwin ga zhitoomin ji shkewziyaang wii Ogimaakangeying, nakeying enenjgewaat edbendaagzijig.

Promoting Self-Sufficiency Among Our Members
Serving our First Nation communities since 1990.

Provide guidance and support to member First Nations Chiefs, Councils and staff in improving and enhancing education services and improving First Nation capacity development to manage and govern all aspects of education. Provide analysis of government (First Nation, federal and provincial) legislation, regulations and policies that affect OTC member First Nations.

Educational Training Workshop


  • Assist member communities with PLC sessions
  • Assist with Capacity Development Sessions for Education Committees and Authorities


  • Serve on subcommittees to research and assist in Education Policy Development

Special Education

  • Act as a liaison with parents, school boards and other agencies 
  • Assist with Special Education Programs and in-school committees

Advocacy and

  • Maintain memberships on local, provincial & national committees and working groups and provide current information to members
  • Engage with Post Secondary Institutions and Aboriginal Education Councils
  • Assist with School Board Aboriginal Advisory Committees

Education Program Development

  • Ojibwe language project
  • Advocate for the development of Ojibwe language courses

Strategic Planning

  • Assist with Community Education Planning
  • Facilitate Education Committee Planning
  • School Success Planning

Education Service Contracts/Tuition

  • Assist in preparing education service agreement
Educational Training Workshop

Department Contact

Alison Bradshaw

Education Advisor

Alison is a settler, wife & mother living on the traditional territory of the Anishinaabek Tri-Council. She spent the 1st 15 years of her teaching career in First Nation communities in Ontario & Manitoba, most recently with Beausoleil FN on Christian Island, and the second half of her career with the public school board, including 4 years as the principal of Indigenous Education.
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Alison has worked as a teacher, consultant, professor in the Faculty of Ed and as a principal centrally & in schools. As the only non-status member of her family she has both a personal and professional commitment to this work.

When Alison isn’t at work she is a reader, a recreational athlete and fan of good coffee,  and believes that all of these things help to build & maintain relationships 1 cup/title/km at a time.